Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Germans Built Spaceships

Probably the most misunderstood and problematic of all terrestrial-based disc technology lies at the heart of the German disc programs that started with the birth of the NSDAP (Nazi Party) in 1920- a full thirteen years before Adolf Hitler came to power as the leader of the Third Reich.

To fully comprehend the depth of these programs requires the knowledge that above all else the NSDAP was founded from the onset by the occult Thule (1917) and Vril (1919) Gesellschafts (Societies), and other occult groups like the DHvSS (Men of the Black Stone) that stretched back to the turn of the twentieth century with the Old German Order (a.k.a. Order of Teutons).

As such, the very first disc project built in Germany...... in 1922 was not even an aircraft but an inter-dimensional flight machine in disc form-the JenseitsFlugMaschine (JFM) built by Thule-Vril using secret business member funding.

When Adolf Hitler (a Thule member along with Goering, Himmler, and various other top Nazi officials) became chancellor of Germany in 1933 the eleven year occult metaphysical science of Thule-Vril became strengthened by official state backing for the continued disc development programs starting with an RFZ (RundFlugZeug), or "Round Aircraft" series of discs that utilized levitators developed by W.O. Schumann of the Technical University of Munich who worked on the mysterious JFM from 1922-24.1934 saw the first RFZ discs built, RFZ units 1-3. The first RFZ series utilized the Schumann levitators, but often with disastrous results.

The very first disc, RFZ-1 rose very briefly only to 60 meters before losing control. Pilot Lothar Waiz, testing the machine at Arado-Brandenburg, quickly bailed from the spinning disc whose Ar 196 controls and tail unit failed to function causing the machine to spin out of control and crash into the ground. Not to be discouraged the RFZ-2 was built the same year and achieved a measure of success.

This was a small armed disc with two MG that was used in 1940 for recon over the British Isles and in the South Atlantic with a rendezvous with the German raider Atlantis in 1942.The RFZ 3,4, and 6 were all prototypes that grew larger and more powerful in each subsequent model. They were built from 1934-1940. The RFZ-5 was renamed Haunebu in 1939 with the RFZ-7 becoming the Vril-1 Jager in 1941.

These highly advanced disc aircraft were overseen by Himmler's SS- specifically, the SS Technical Branch Unit E-IV (Entwicklungsstelle 4) which was created to explore various alternative energies. This unit was tasked with developing both the Haunebu and Vril disc designs that utilized the world's first electro-magnetic-gravitic drive systems: the Vril and Thule Triebwerks.

These drives relied on Hans Coler's free energy Konverter coupled to a Van De Graaf band generator and Marconi vortex dynamo (a huge spherical tank of mercury) to create powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that affected gravity. Many have often inquired "why" then when war started in 1939 did Germany not use these advanced and unique machines in air combat? The simple truth lies in the fact that these machines, despite their superior overall performance to conventional piston-engined aircraft and early jets, could not be realistically adapted to any useful military role other than the most basic transport and recon work.

The strong electromagnetic engines were difficult to control and required a complex celestial navigation system to fly. While maximum speed and range were incredible for the time, the flight characteristics of the discs could not hope to imitate high-performance fighters like the Me Bf 109 or Fw 190.

There was very little room for either offensive or defensive armament in these designs except for a few experimental light MG and MK cannons that proved impractical in flight and a rather large experimental Donar (Thunder) Kraftstrahlkanone (Strong Jet Cannon).These guns tended to destabilize the discs badly and were eventually removed or replaced with lighter automated guns. The disc bodies themselves were not capable of carrying any ordnance at all internally or externally (no bombs, rockets, or missiles) and could make only turns of 22.5, 45, and 90 degrees.

Nevertheless, the SS pursued an aggressive policy of theft, forced cooperation, and strong internal development of these types of machines due to the increasing Allied bombing offensive that made conventional aircraft take-offs and landings highly dangerous. VTOL was seen as the logical solution to this problem.

If the SS could develop a production machine that in the future could be armed (with cannon, missiles, or even an electrostatic weapon) then Germany might be able to turn the air war.To shorten the time of finding VTOL solutions, the SS robbed both Germany's patent office and every patent office in occupied Europe.

Those with aeronautical skill enough to contribute to the SS effort were either arrested or coerced into participating in the programs- among them Viktor Schauberger of Austria and Henri Coanda of Rumania. The SS also used its large slave labor force to assist in construction of large underground facilities for these discs and often for production of components to these machines.

Though the SS requested additional slave laborers from Armaments Minister Albert Speer, Speer himself was not told what war projects the laborers would be used for; indeed, Speer was deliberately kept out of the entire SS disc development programs for security reasons and the fact that the SS was a state-within-a-state with its own production facilities, war material, scientists and technicians, slave workforce, and the knowledge of secret Third Reich military bases outside Germany where the discs were both tested and stored.

Among those held, Viktor Schauberger became the leader of most interest due to his highly unconventional use of liquid vortex technology which was perfected while he was in custody at Mauthausen. Originally designed for an odd bio-submarine, the strange Repulsin discoid motors were to be adapted to aircraft.

Heinkel was the first to receive the early results of the discoid motor tests but refused to act on it in the same way the Luftwaffe refused to act on Heinkel's flight of its first jet aircraft, the He 178, three days before the start of WW2.A year after the Repulsin Model A motor was being studied one of Heinkel's own engineers named Rudolf Schriever proposed his own "Flugkreisel" (Flying Gyro) that utilized conventional jet engines instead of the Repulsin discoid motor.

His design was taken from him by the SS and handed over to a team of scientists for further study and construction of a large flying prototype, The team consisted of Dr. Richard Miethe, Klaus Habermohl, and Dr.Guiseppe Belluzzo who had come up with his own design for a jet powered round flying bomb- the Turboproietti.

Meanwhile, BMW (who was to provide the turbojets for Heinkel's jets) started work on a design very similar to Schriever's Flugkreisel but utilizing the company's own BMW 003 jet engines. These machines, called "Flugelrads" (Winged Wheels) were not true disc aircraft but jet autogyros that used a standard BMW 003 with a Strahlrohr (Jet pipe) deflector to power a multi-blade disc rotor.

These craft were built on a much smaller scale than Schriever's Flugkreisel so work proceeded from 1941-45 with construction of prototypes beginning in 1943. Instability, however, was never really solved in the earlier designs.

Only one disc, a BMW Flugelrad II V-2 (or V-3) possibly achieved flight in April 1945. Schriever's own design began to take shape in 1942 and flew in 1943. It flew under jet power provided by three attached special kerosene-burning engines driving the disc rotor as well as two kerosene jets attached to the body for forward thrust and horizontal stability.

Flight characteristics were said to be good but then the SS decided to abruptly drop Schriever's jet-fan design in favor of Miethe's version that eliminated the large disc rotor blades driven by jet engines for Schauberger's liquid vortex engine, but on a larger scale. With Schauberger released back to Austria in 1944 by the SS, the Miethe prototype took to the air the same year over the Baltic. It's resemblance to the Repulsin Model B was unmistakable except for the addition of a bubble cockpit on top and water drainage (bleed) pipes to the rear of the craft instead of at the bottom.

At the same time a private venture with official backing from Air Ministry General Udet was taking shape in Leipzig. Arthur Sack who caught the attention of Udet way back in 1939 with his A.S.1 circular wing flying aero model was given permission and some funding to build a manned large-scale version of his model. Sack took up the challenge and built four more models of increasing size.

When the A.S.5 demonstrated that the basic concept was sound construction began on the manned version in early 1944- the A.S.6. Within a month the strange largely wooden aircraft utilizing salvaged parts from a Me Bf 108 was taxiing and making attempts to fly. But this project was doomed from the start with an underpowered engine and plagued by structural problems which meant that the aircraft could "hop"- but never fly.

Due to round-the-clock bombing the SS was forced to try even more drastic measures, launching unmanned interceptor discs from the Schwarzwald. These discs were known as the "Feuerball" weapon, sometimes erroneously referred to as the mystery V-7 weapon (of which there never was an official designation). The WNF Feuerball relied on a rocket motor for launch, a plume sensor for aerial detection, and an electrostatic field weapon invented at Messerschmitt's Oberammergau facility for attack.

Production of these craft was initially performed by WNF under SS direction. Because the discs burned chemicals around its ring to create the electrostatic field necessary to disable Allied bomber engines and radar the object was soon nicknamed the "Foo Fighter" by the Allies who sighted this fiery halo weapon approaching them by day or night. "Foo" was a take on the French word Feu (Fire) and from the Smokey Stover comic of a bumbling fireman that actually started fires!Naturally, WNF observed the burning effect too and soon nicknamed their weapon the WNF Feuerball (Fireball).

The "Feuerballs" plagued the 415th NFS from November 1944 to April 1945. By that time production had been shifted to the Zeppelin Werk that nicknamed their enlarged improved weapon as the "Kugelblitz" (Ball Lightning). The Allies seemed confused by these weapons which ranged in size from small to large and attacked in singles or multiples.The Germans added to this confusion by introducing two other weapons with the Feuerball/Kugelblitz- the "Seifenblasen" and "Kugelwaffen". "Seifenblasen" (Soap Bubbles) were large meteorological balloons trailing metal strips that confused Allied radar.

Their large round shape and metallic coating reflected in daylight gave them the appearance of a shining globe mistaken for a Feuerball. Along with the Seifenblasen were launched purely spherical aerial probes that were used as psychological weapons. These "Kugelwaffen" (Ball Weapons) played aerial games with the Allied bomber gunners that would have in time distracted them from the real threat of larger approaching Kugelblitz discs.But by the spring of 1945 the war was lost regardless and most of the remaining programs were halted. Henri Coanda had been arrested in Paris in 1940 and forced to work on a disc under SS supervision. His design for a lenticular disc that benefited from his own "Coanda Effect" was a masterpiece of jet disc design.

But because it required twelve Jumo 004 jets to power the huge machine the project never got past the wind tunnel testing phase. Likewise, Andreas Epps independent Omega Diskus which utilized two Pabst ramjets and eight Argus lift fans was also confined to 1/10th scale model testing. Dr. Alexander Lippisch had also studied disc aerodynes back in 1941 but was too involved in the Me 153 Komet and DM-1 delta glider programs to produce anything more than brief design concepts based on the Gottingen K 1253 circular wing profile. The Horten brother, experts with flying wings, also studied circular wing designs but did not actually work on any in Nazi Germany.

They did so for the US Govt. postwar in late 1945-46 producing what is now believed to be the craft that crashed at Roswell in 1947- a spy craft parabolic lifting body carried by a large meteorological balloon.In the face of imminent defeat BMW destroyed all their Flugelrads and possibly Schriever's Flugkreisel which was testing at the same facility. Miethe's disc may have been captured as Miethe went to Canada postwar to work on AVRO's disc designs. Habermohl was captured by the Russians while Dr. Belluzzo went back to Italy. Schauberger's Repulsins were captured by the Allies while most of the SS Technical Branch records still intact were captured by the British who postwar attempted to create a working design through AVRO Canada with eventual US assistance.One very little known Peenemunde disc project under Henrich Fleissner was the last disc to take off from Berlin in late April 1945 on an official mission. But details of the "Dusenscheibe" (Nozzle Disc) remain clouded in mystery.

Meanwhile, the Feuerball attacks that stopped in April 1945 in Germany resumed in August 1945 in Japan- an obvious technology transfer from Germany to Japan via U-boat. The Japanese, however, lacked all the documentation for this weapon and only launched a few. It is said that the Japanese were frightened by this "demonic thing" and destroyed the remaining Feuerballs by dynamiting them in a pit. Photographic evidence also seems to identify "Kugelwaffen" sent to Japan as several are seen trailing Sally bombers, probably for flight testing.But the Third Reich story ends as strangely as it had begun. What about the mysterious Thule-Vril discs which were actually built in small numbers? By 1945 there were quite a few Haunebu II and Vril 7 discs flying.

Vril had even tested the Vril 8 Odin and possibly even the more streamlined Vril 9 Abjager. These craft were not destroyed but evacuated from March 1945 to an area safe from Allied bombing or capture.In the year preceding the start of WW2 Germany sent an expedition to Antarctica to scout out a location for a military base there. The Germans found such a location in the former Queen Maud Land which Germany renamed Neu Schwabenland. There, in secret during 1942-43, a base was built in the Muhlig-Hoffman Mountains. Base 211 (or Station 211). The base was supplied with slave laborers shipped by sea and U-boats to construct an elaborate cave complex deep within the mountains- an impregnable fortress. Hot internal springs were found there, iron ore deposits, vegetation, and access was achieved primarily through an underwater trench that ran through the area.

During the war, especially the latter part, German U-boats made frequent trips to the South Atlantic, South America, and Antarctica. Germany also set up floating meteorological buoys in Antarctic waters and weather stations on islands located between Antarctica and the tip of South America. The SS RuSHA (Rasse und SeidlungsHauptAmt- Race and Settlement Bereau) began in 1942 to take women of Aryan decent (Volksdeutsch) from the Ukraine solely for the purpose of transporting them to Base 211.Ten thousand women between the ages of 17-24, blonde and well proportioned, were recruited for the project along with 2,500 Waffen SS soldiers serving in Russia.

The goal of this massive undertaking was to create a colony at Base 211 suitable for the habitation and continued development of the Thule-Vril technology. It is believed that both the Thule and Vril Gesellschafts evacuated that technology to Base 211 at the close of the war under SS General Kammler, who was in charge of Germany's most secret weapons programs. Two U-boats that surrendered after the war in Argentina are also believed to have carried cargo and high-ranking SS to Base 211. Both boats were empty upon surrender with the crews refusing to disclose their cargos and destinations.It became apparent in 1946 that 54 U-boats and over 6,000 technicians and scientists were "missing" from Germany- especially from the SS Technical Branch.

There were also 40,000 slave laborers and between 142,000-250,000 German citizens unaccounted for. Despite simply writing these off as probable losses and deaths of the war, Washington suspected that a large number of these missing actually escaped to South America and Base 211 (if such a base existed). The United States then went on the hunt using the "war criminal" propaganda to cover up the search for technology akin to a South American version of "Operation Paperclip".The United States was so concerned about the secret base that in 1947 with the first Antarctic summer "Operation Highjump" was launched with a full military task force headed by Admiral Byrd. The task force was to head straight for Neu Schwabenland and recon the area for a base.

If one was found 4,700 armed troops would have been sent to capture or destroy it. The task force performed the aerial recon, trailing magnetometers to detect any magnetic anomalies under the ice... but several of Byrd's planes were lost. The aircraft had run into enemy opposition."Operation Highjump" ended in failure as Byrd headed back after several weeks, far short of the eight months that was intended. In his unofficial comments to the South American press Byrd stated that he was attacked by "enemy aircraft that could fly from pole to pole at incredible speed". Subsequently, the modern UFO phenomenon sprang up in 1947 and concentrated disc development programs were initiated in the 1950s that have continued on to present-day "black project" aircraft operated by the CIA, NSA, and NRO. So the story of the Third Reich disc programs does not end with the collapse of the Third Reich itself.


Monday, June 26, 2006

The Serpo Story

This is the original posting by 'Anonymous', the key information provider on this site. Also included are three responses and seemingly independent verifications of the information.

First let me introduce myself. My name is Request Anonymous. I am a retired employee of the U.S. Government. I won't go into any great details about my past, but I was involved in a special program.

As for Roswell, it occurred, but not like the story books tell. There were two crash sites. One southwest of Corona, New Mexico and the second site at Pelona Peak, south of Datil, New Mexico.

The crash involved two extraterrestrial aircraft. The Corona site was found a day later by an archaeology team. This team reported the crash site to the Lincoln County Sheriff's department. A deputy arrived the next day and summoned a state police officer. One live entity [EBE] was found hiding behind a rock. The entity was given water but declined food. The entity was later transferred to Los Alamos.

The information eventually went to Roswell Army Air Field. The site was examined and all evidence was removed. The bodies were taken to Los Alamos National Laboratory because they had a freezing system that allowed the bodies to remain frozen for research. The craft was taken to Roswell and then onto Wright Field, Ohio.

The second site was not discovered until August 1949 by two ranchers. They reported their findings several days later to the sheriff of Catron County, New Mexico. Because of the remote location, it took the sheriff several days to make his way to the crash site. Once at the site, the sheriff took photographs and then drove back to Datil.

Sandia Army Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico was then notified. A recovery team from Sandia took custody of all evidence, including six bodies. The bodies were taken to Sandia Base, but later transferred to Los Alamos.

The live entity established communications with us and provided us with a location of his home planet. The entity remained alive until 1952, when he died. But before his death, he provided us with a full explanation of the items found inside the two crafts. One item was a communication device. The entity was allowed to make contact with his planet.

Somehow, I never knew this information, but a meeting date was set for April 1964 near Alamogordo New Mexico. The Aliens landed and retrieved the bodies of their dead comrades. Information was exchanged. Communication was in English. The aliens had a translation device.

In 1965, we had an exchange program with the aliens. We carefully selected 12 military personnel; ten men and two women. They were trained, vetted and carefully removed from the military system. The 12 were skilled in various specialities.

Near the northern part of the Nevada Test Site, the aliens landed and the 12 Americans left. One entity was left on Earth. The original plan was for our 12 people to stay 10 years and then return to Earth.

But something went wrong. The 12 remained until 1978, when they were returned to the same location in Nevada. Seven men and one woman returned. Two died on the alien's home planet. Four others decided to remain, according to the returnees. Of the eight that returned, all have died. The last survivor died in 2002.

[Clarification (BR/ Victor Martinez): the paragraph above contains a typo in the original. Twelve team members went, and eight returned – two having died on Serpo and two having chosen to remain; these two were not ordered to return.]

The returnees were isolated from 1978 until 1984 at various military installations. The Air Force Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI) was responsible for their security and safety. AFOSI also conducted debriefing sessions with the returnees.

I have never seen or read anything about the exchange program. I once heard a little bit of information from Linda Howe, but she didn't have much information.

I've monitored your e-mails for about six months. I've read e-mails from you and others. But I've never seen nor heard the truth about the real Roswell incident or the exchange program.

I'd like to hear what others say about this.

Comment 1 (by Gene Loscowski):
Who is this person? Most of the information is absolutely correct.

However, I never heard of any females going. To the best of my knowledge, we had 12 men, all military men. Eight USAF, two Army and two Navy guys. I think the females are a red herring. But maybe I just didn't have the clearance for that.

They left and was gone 20 years, as I was told. When they came back they were put in quarantine for 365 days at the complex. Only eight came back, that much is right. Two died a few years into their assignment on the Visitor's planet. Two others decided to remain and maybe are still alive today. Since their return, all have died. The last being in 2003 in a VA hospital.

As for the Roswell incident. Whomever sent the e-mail is correct.

The complete debriefing is contained in: "PROJECT SERPO," Final Report-80HQD893-020, classified TS, Codeword. Ask [Rick] Doty about that report because I think it is an OSI report. Paul [McGovern] should be commenting on this since he was involved in the debriefing.

[Clarification by Victor Martinez, 1 December: Ths project classification was provided by Paul McGovern, not Gene Loscowski. Apologies for the error.]

Comment 2 (by Paul McGovern):
Interesting but not totally correct [commenting on Anonymous's original e-mail]. As for the Roswell incident: absolutely right. Few people have ever gotten it entirely correct. Two crash sites, not one. As for the exchange program: Unauthorized Release of Classified Information, as I see it. But maybe someone currently within our government wants it out. No females were sent. Twelve men, all military. 8 USAF, 2 U.S. Army and 2 U.S. Navy. Two were doctors; three were scientists; two were language specialists; two were security personnel; two were pilots and one was the leader (Colonel-AF).

All were sheep-dipped and completely erased from the military roles. I'm not totally sure of the training period, but I think it was about six months. They were able to transmit messages to Earth by means of a communication system set up prior to their trip.

One doctor and one of the security personnel died three years into their visit. The doctor died of pneumonia and the security guy died of an injury. The exchange team had to endure extreme hardship adjusting to the environment of the visitor's planet.

The heat was extreme and took many years to adjust. The food was something of a problem because the human system had problems digesting it. The team took enough food for two years and rationed it another eight months, but eventually had to eat the visitor's [Eben's: alien's name] food. This caused all team members gastrointestinal problems. Eventually, they adjusted. The visitors tried to create different foods but few worked.

The team was never isolated or restricted by the visitors. They could travel as they wished and see whatever they wanted to see. After about six years, the team moved to a northern portion of the visitor's planet, where the temperature was cooler and which contained ample vegatation.

The visitors built a small community for the team. The only major problem was time. Time was ifferent on the visitor's planet. I don't think anyone ever figured it out. The visitors had no clocks. They didn't judge or account for time as we did. The visitors found our attempts to account for time strange.

The visitors were extremely disciplined in their daily lives. Every visitor worked on a schedule, which was not by a clock, but by the movement of their sun. Each little community had a large tower, which filtered the sun through. When the sun was at a particular point on the tower, it meant the visitors had to do a particular thing.

There was never complete darkness on the visitors planet. It got dim but not dark. The visitors had rest periods, but not like our sleep periods. The visitors rested three times during their sun days. Our team determined the entire work period was approx. 43 hours. They had three rest periods within that 43 hours. That is still about 14 hours straight,... couldn't get too many of our workers to do that! The visitors also didn't have months or years.

They did have life periods, as our team coined it. It was impossible to judge the visitor's age, although our team did find graves. The population of the visitor's planet was about 650,000. There were small communities throughout the planet. There were underground rivers, which fed into open valleys. There was industry.

But all of the food was grown, either in fields or in large buildings. They did have animals. Different types. Strange large beasts, they used for work and other things, but no meat was eaten. The geological make up of the planet was so much different than ours. Few mountains, no oceans, some trees or something similar to trees and no other civilization except the Ebens.

Everyone looked the same initially to our team. But after some time, the team members learned to identify different Ebens by their voices. Although the Ebens couldn't speak English, they did make noises that our team members were able to translate into English. After five years, we had their language completely translated into English. The complete debriefing accounts for about three thousand pages.

Comment 3 (by "Anonymous II"):
I would prefer you keep my name private.

But here is my evaluation of the information from "Anonymous."

1. As for the Roswell incident [described by Anonymous in his e-mail]: This was the story I read in the historical document called the "Red Book." Almost exactly to the word. Although there were more details about the crash sites and what was recovered.

2. As for the Exchange Program: I read about it but thought there were 12 men; I don't recall any women. But that was about all I knew. We did have a special unit that handled their debriefing but USAF positive intelligence was also involved. I was never involved in that program, but I knew other agents who were.

3. I'd like to contact this source. I have about a million questions to ask!

I heard Linda Howe speak about the exchange program some years ago. I always wondered where she got her information.

Keep up the excellent work!

Posting Two by Anonymous (4 November, 2005)

Paul is not correct. There were two females, one being a doctor and the other being a linguist. There was a period of darkness, but not total darkness. The Eben planet is located within a solar system of the Zeta Recticular Star System [two 5th-magnitude yellow double stars, similar to our Sun located near the Large Magellanic Cloud]. The planet had two suns but their angles were small and allowed some darkness on the planet depending on one's location. The planet was tilted which allowed the northern part of the planet to be cooler. The planet was a little less than Earth's size. The atmosphere was similar to Earths and contained the elements of CHON [Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen]. Zeta Recticular is approximately 37 light years from us. It took our team, in an Eben craft, nine months to travel the distance. During the trip, each of our team members were frequently dizzy, disoriented and suffered headaches. The craft did not go through any weightlessness during the trip. The craft was very large and allowed the team to exercise. Once the team arrived on the Eben planet, it took them several months to adjust to the atmosphere. During the adjustment period, they suffered headaches, dizziness and disorientation. The bright suns of the Eben planet also presented problems. Although they had sunglasses, they still suffered from the bright sunlight and the danger of sun exposure. The radiation levels of the planet was a little higher than that of Earth. They were careful to cover their bodies at all times. The Ebens had no forms of refrigeration, except in industry. The temperature of the planet, at the center portion, stayed between 94° and 115.° They did have clouds and rain, but not frequently. At the northern hemisphere of the planet, the temperature dropped to between 55 and 80 degrees. This was too cool for the Ebens, or at least most. Our team did find Ebens living in the north, but in very small villages. Our team eventually relocated to the north in order to stay cool. The ground transportation used by our team was similar to a helicopter. The power system was a sealed energy device that provided electrical power and lift for the craft. It was very easy to fly and our pilots learned the system within days. The Ebens did have vehicles, which floated above the ground and did not have any tires or wheels. There were leaders, but no real form of government. There was virtually no crime seen by the team. They had an army, which also acted as the police force. But no guns or weapons of any type were seen by our team. There were regular meetings within each small community. There was one large community, which acted as the central point of the civilization. All the industry was at this one large community. There was no money. Every Eben was issued what they needed. No stores, malls or shopping locations. There were central distribution centers where Ebens went to obtain items of needs. All Ebens worked in some capacity. Children were kept very isolated. The only trouble our team members got into was when they attempted to photograph Eben children. The Army politely escorted them away and cautioned them not to do it again.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Good or Bad Omen?

The Giant Philippine Flag was raised in the traditional flag raising ceremony at Rizal (Luneta) Park for the celebration of 108th Year Anniversary of the Philippine Independence (June 12, 2006).

In this photo taken by the Manila Times photographer Aaron Favila, the flag seems to express a patriotic message for the Filipinos. Spectators saw in this photo the UP oblation, and the Winged Victory symbol.

Personally, I would see these symbols as good and bad omen.

The winged victory would mean there is hope the Philippines would achieve its success but it can't really fly freely because of many problems our country is facing.

The oblation would want to relay a message that the citizenry wants a total freedom to express certain issues mostly related to political killings (his feet seems to be standing in a pool of blood) and suppression (his raised hog tied hands). It seems the people always thirst the freedom to move, to think and to express his rights to be heard and defend himself.

I hope the government people and all sectors would see these messages, ponder them and resolve certain issues in our country.

Most of the time, highly evolved beings would materialize symbols and other weird events to express their messages and awaken people from a deep sleep, so that they would realize every mistake must be corrected to gain a congruous life.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Alien Head Appears in Duck's X-Ray

An alien head inside duck's belly? One of many questions in the mind of people who saw this x-ray of a mallard duck. The strange discovery started last Sunday (June 4, 2006) when a mallard was dropped off at the International Bird Rescue Research Center in Cordelia with a broken wing. But when the center's assistant manager Marie Travers radiographed the bird, the x-ray came back with more than just broken bones."I saw a face. The stereotypical alien head ... with big eyes," Travers said. And Travers wasn't the only one who saw the large bulbous eye sockets and odd alien grimace on the head clearly seen tucked away in the duck's stomach. "It clearly stood out," said center director Jay Holcomb. "We were looking at the broken wing, but the face is all we could look at." Most assumed the bird may have inadvertantly eaten a toy alien or gobbled up something that closely resembled an otherworldly visitor. But after the duck succumbed to his injuries, a necropsy turned up even more suprises in the mallard's innards."Just corn, corn and grit," Travers said."No alien heads," Holcomb added. While the investigation turned up no evidence of extraterrestrial intervention, Holcomb hopes the undeniably odd x-ray could help raise the center some cash from an online curiousity connoisseur. "The poor bird didn't make it, but if we can raise money to take care of other birds, that's great," Holcomb said. The x-ray was posted on eBay to attract bidders and the last bid was US$9, 6000. And Holcomb said around Cordelia, a place where unusual crop circles back in 2003 were just one example of the area's proclivity for the otherworldly, the alien head may be more than just a x-ray anomoly."Cordelia's a hot bed of alien activity," Holcomb explained. "We've seen the crop circles, so it stands to reason we'd see an alien face staring out of a duck."
